Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are ever-evolving and use a variety of technologies. To successfully combat these attacks, you need a dynamic, multi-layered security solution. FortiDDoS protects from both known and zero day attacks with very low latency. It’s easy to deploy and manage, and includes comprehensive reporting and analysis tools.

FortiDDoS includes:

  • 100% security processor (SPU)-based layer 3, 4, and 7 DDoS protection application-aware traffic management
  • Behavior-based DDoS protection to eliminate need for signature files
  • Minimal false-positive detections through continuous threat evaluation
  • Ability to monitor hundreds of thousands of parameters simultaneously
  • Defense against every DDoS attack: bulk volumetric, layer 7 application, and SSL/HTTPS
  • Attack protection for DNS services via specialized tools

Keeping you ahead of threats

The Fortinet Security Fabric continuously assesses the risks and automatically adjusts to provide comprehensive real-time protection across the digital attack surface and cycle.

Powered by FortiOS, the Fabric is the industry’s highest-performing integrated cybersecurity platform with a rich ecosystem. The Fabric enables consistent security across the extended digital attack surface. Seamless interoperability, complete visibility, and granular control are now possible for hybrid deployments including hardware, software, and X-as-a-Service across networks, endpoints, and clouds.

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